
The greatest resource of the College is undoubtedly the Carey Library. It is considered one of the oldest library in India. The following resource facilities are available in the College and other adjacent institutions for the study and research work.

1. The Theology library: 
The Theology library has over 30,000 volumes and subscribes to about 120 periodicals and journals. The Library has been fully computerized and equipped with internet facility to enhance our knowledge in resources that are available in other national and international libraries.

The stack verification of Theology Library is in progress after many years. Many new books were purchased from the budgeted amount of 3 lakhs in different branches of study. In addition, the recent publication of Encyclopedia Britannica, Commentaries on Old Testament and New Testament, Dictionaries, and other volumed books were purchased from the donations received from churches and individuals who are well-wishers of Serampore College. Besides books, new computers are installed in the Library; the old ones are historical computers so they are preserved for archive material. Vacuum cleaner is bought which is a great help for the Librarians to maintain cleanliness. Through churches and well-wishers, theology Library of Serampore College is progressing. 

Churches who recently help Serampore College Theology Library are as follows:
1. BCM, Lawngtlai, Rs. 100,000/-
2. Mizoram Presbyterian Kohhran (PCI), Rs. 600,000/-

2. The Arts Science Commerce Library: 
The ASC library has over 70,000 volumes and is open to the staff and students of the Theology Department according to need. B. Carey Library and Research Center (CLRC): This is newly constructed research center where the Archive of the College, College Museum and Conference Hall are housed. It has over 15,000 items in 101 different languages including old manuscripts, rare books and other invaluable sources of information published as early as from the 16th century onwards . Many scholars from various countries and from various fields of study are regularly visiting the center and are benefiting from this treasure house. Computer and filming of the rare materials are other facilities available to enhance the research facilities even further.

3. Other Available Resources: 
Besides College resources, the resources of the Morning Star Catholic Seminary across the Hooghly river at Barrackpore, Bishop’s College Library and the National Library and other libraries in Calcutta are also available with permission for research purposes.